24.08.2024 06:32
Flight departed
24.08.2024 05:44
Arrival at the Destination
Beijing city Chaoyang district capital airport post office block 2, Beijing city
24.08.2024 04:56
Handed over to the carrier for transportation
ELKO, NV, 89801
24.08.2024 04:08
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Caribbean Airlines
24.08.2024 03:21
NJ, BELFORD, 07718
24.08.2024 02:33
Flight arrival
24.08.2024 01:45
Departed USPS Facility
Santacruz(East) S.O
24.08.2024 00:57
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet
CHINOOK, MT, 59523
24.08.2024 00:09
Out For Delivery Today
LOWELL, MA, 01851
23.08.2024 23:21
Processed Through Regional Facility
Cali airlines airline
23.08.2024 22:33
Released from import customs
Beijing mail terminal transportation , Beijing city
23.08.2024 21:45
In the exchange office. The shipment has arrived at the international logistics centre of origin
GA, ATLANTA, 30354
23.08.2024 20:57
Inbound in sorting center
23.08.2024 20:09
The item is pre-advised to PostNL
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
23.08.2024 19:22
Departure from inward office of exchange
Yiwu International Mail Processing Center, Jinhua city
23.08.2024 18:34
Item dispatched
United States, United States
23.08.2024 17:46
Package Received
Yiwu International Mail Processing Center, Jinhua city
23.08.2024 16:58
Item Bagged
ANNA, TX, 75409
23.08.2024 16:10
Item dispatched
23.08.2024 15:22
Flight Departure
Beijing international mail exchange station, BeijingCity
23.08.2024 14:34
Handed over to the Carrirer
South Hackensack NJ
23.08.2024 13:46
Departure from outward office of exchange
23.08.2024 12:58
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet
MIAMI, FL, 33165
23.08.2024 12:10
Sent export customs
Cali airlines airline
Tracking numbers examples: